Te Huinga Whānau Fono - Information and Bookings

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We want to improve academic achievement for your child, and to strengthen the relationship and communication between our school, your child and you.  Educational research strongly indicates that the involvement of parents and whanau in a student’s education is a major factor in improving education achievement.

To do this we ask that you come to school for a 15 minute meeting with your child and her Whanau Teacher/Academic to discuss:

  • Attendance
  • Key competencies
  • Reports to date
  • Career Goals
  • Personal Educational Plan
  • Profile of my Child

Te Huinga Whanau Fono Booking

Basic Steps: Log into SchoolPoint => Book your time

Students/Caregivers have the ability to book, view, update, print or cancel their parent interview booking.


How to book your time:

  1. Log into SchoolPoint.
  2. Navigate to "Home" in the left hand navigation.
  3. Click on the "Book your Time" button.
  4. Click on the "Book Time" next to the interview that you would like to book for.
  5. Select your preferred time.

Note: You can edit your time by clicking on the "Cancel/Change Booking" button and reselecting your preferred time