Kelston Girls’ College Kelston Girls’ College

Mathamusician 1 - Maths and Music

Courses Description

Head of Pathway: Ms M. Yelkur.

Calling all aspiring Musi-mathematicians! Are you ready to embark on a thrilling and harmonious adventure that combines the enchantment of music and the magic of mathematics? Welcome to our captivating module, where you'll explore diverse musical styles and unleash your creativity through music skills. Develop and apply music skills, skillfully combining them to create stylistic effects that resonate with your artistic vision. 

Prepare to shine as you perform two items as a soloist, choosing your own music pieces and style, be it singing or playing an instrument. But that's not all – we'll also dive into real-life problems from Aotearoa New Zealand and the Pacific, using mathematical methods tailored to each challenge. Gain mastery in problem-solving as you communicate precise mathematical information, seamlessly intertwining maths with the context of each problem. Apply logical, connected sequences of methods, enhancing your analytical thinking and exploring solutions to complex issues. 

Unveil your musical prowess and embrace the power of mathematics in "Mathamusician" – a symphony of possibilities awaits as you harmonise your passions for music and mathematics!

Learning Areas:

YEAR 11 TRIMESTER 1 LINE 1, Te Ara Auaha, Te ara Tapu Toru

Assessment Policy & Procedures

Calculated Moves - Maths and Physical Education, Mathamusician 2 - Maths and Music, Oceans of Algebra - Maths and Science

Math and science at senior levels
Math Calculus/Statistics
Health Science pathway


The standards offered are correct at the time of writing. These are subject to change depending on student selections.

We endeavour to run all courses but are subject to minimise class sizes. Maximum class sizes apply. Once a course is full alternative selections are needed.

Course context or content may change by the start of the year.

Once a student makes their selections and confirms these, any changes must be accompanied by a letter of support from Whanau and are subject to available spaces in courses. 

All Junior Bilingual students must select the literacy and numeracy modules in the language of their pathway each trimester and one other integrated language module  (3 out of 4 of their modules must be bilingual).

All senior Bilingual students must take all modules available in the language of their pathway.