Dance Animation - Dance and Digital Technology

Courses Description

Head of Pathway: Ms R. Eveleigh.

Have you ever wanted to feel like you are in a live music video? Like you can control your surroundings with a flick of your hand? Well, in this module you will enter the world of digital dance animation. By combining dance and digital videos, you will create an interactive environment, where it appears as if your movements are influencing the world around you. Just wait and see what you can create!

In this module you will use technology in dance as a creative tool to control music, background images and movement sequences.


In Dance, learners explore and acquire transferable knowledge, skills and dispositions. This is a holistic process not limited to physicality and movement. These transferable attributes include:
-cognitive and critical thinking
-working effectively individually and collaborating in teams
-creative problem solving abilities
-Self confidence and resilience
-Recognising and respecting diverse viewpoints
-Valuing others skills, cultures and contexts.
You will learn about the Tech process - planning, researching, getting critical feedback to your final step in creating your video.


The standards offered are correct at the time of writing. These are subject to change depending on student selections.

We endeavour to run all courses but are subject to minimise class sizes. Maximum class sizes apply. Once a course is full alternative selections are needed.

Course context or content may change by the start of the year.

Once a student makes their selections and confirms these, any changes must be accompanied by a letter of support from Whanau and are subject to available spaces in courses. 

All Junior Bilingual students must select the literacy and numeracy modules in the language of their pathway each trimester and one other integrated language module  (3 out of 4 of their modules must be bilingual).

All senior Bilingual students must take all modules available in the language of their pathway.