Core Maths 3 - Thinking fun

Courses Description

Head of Pathway: Ms M. Yelkur.

Do you need some extra support with your Maths learning? Are you not quite ready for Level 3 maths standards but still love numbers and want to get your numeracy qualifications?

This course will be designed around the students who select it. 

The module helps to build skills in mathematical thinking, reasoning and communication with cross-curricular applications.  

It provides a sound basis for the mathematical demands that students will face at university and within employment across a broad range of academic, professional and technical fields but it will not lead to 14 UE-approved credits.


This course is NOT a UE-approved course but may help you achieve your NCEA certificate's numeracy component.

You should only take this in Trimester 1 or Trimester 2 and 3 together. It should not be taken as a full-year course


The standards offered are correct at the time of writing. These are subject to change depending on student selections.

We endeavour to run all courses but are subject to minimise class sizes. Maximum class sizes apply. Once a course is full alternative selections are needed.

Course context or content may change by the start of the year.

Once a student makes their selections and confirms these, any changes must be accompanied by a letter of support from Whanau and are subject to available spaces in courses. 

All Junior Bilingual students must select the literacy and numeracy modules in the language of their pathway each trimester and one other integrated language module  (3 out of 4 of their modules must be bilingual).

All senior Bilingual students must take all modules available in the language of their pathway.