Carbon Cycle Conundrum - English and Science
Courses Description
Head of Pathway: Ms L. Neveling.
A hot topic in the media at the moment is “climate change”. Experts and governments from around the world have met and discussed this issue, resulting in commitments to changing the way we live. During this module we will take a deep dive into two methods of positive environmental change: food waste recycling and wetland protection. In a combination of Science and English, you will explore stories, movies and videos about climate change and express your viewpoints about this global issue.
We are all global citizens. Therefore we have a responsibility to implement these changes but first to be able to do so willingly, we have to understand WHY these changes are necessary. Once we understand the issues, we can use our voices to inspire others to take action as well.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Science 1.1 - Demonstrate understanding of a science-informed response to a local issue
English 1.3 - Demonstrate understanding of specific aspects of studied text
The standards offered are correct at the time of writing. These are subject to change depending on student selections.
We endeavour to run all courses but are subject to minimise class sizes. Maximum class sizes apply. Once a course is full alternative selections are needed.
Course context or content may change by the start of the year.
Once a student makes their selections and confirms these, any changes must be accompanied by a letter of support from Whanau and are subject to available spaces in courses.
All Junior Bilingual students must select the literacy and numeracy modules in the language of their pathway each trimester and one other integrated language module (3 out of 4 of their modules must be bilingual).
All senior Bilingual students must take all modules available in the language of their pathway.